Is58, Redeeming the Weekends
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# Redeeming
the Weekends ## Isaiah 58 >>> --- # What are my **weekends** for? >>> + sometimes weekends **more** busy than weekdays! + catch up on **work** + demands of **family** + "**me**" time + dose of 2hrs of **church** + God gave us the **pattern**: + 6 days **work** / 1 day **rest** + what is the **purpose** of the weekend? --- ## Redeeming the Weekends [(Is58)](# "ref") 1. Pretending → **Protecting** [(v3-9a)](# "ref") 2. Pride → **Providence** [(v9b-12)](# "ref") 3. Pleasure → **Praise** [(v13-14)](# "ref") >>> + call to **action** + **change** how we spend weekend + and change how we think of **worship** + 3 **sections** in ch58, each section consists of: + what **not** to do + what we **ought** to do + God's **promise** if we obey + **opening** sounds pretty **harsh**: --- Declare to my people their **rebellion**
and to the descendants of Jacob their **sins**. [Isaiah 58:1 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + but actually is a **warning**: + we're not beyond **hope** + **show** us our sin ⇒ call to **change** + as loving **Father** to children + preceding **ch57** draws a **contrast**: + v15 **contrite** + lowly of spirit + v18-21 restless **wicked** + so read w/**humility** to change + and not **stubborn** pride + The **first** section: --- ## 1. Pretending → Protecting + *Don't:* Pursue **Appearance** of Humility [(v2-5)](# "ref") + *Do:* **Protect** the Oppressed [(v6-7)](# "ref") + *Promise:* **Protect** Us and **Answer** Our Cry [(v8-9)](# "ref") >>> + we are adept at **fooling** ourselves + we **seek** God but unwilling to **obey** Him + the **negative**: wanting to appear humble + the **positive**: protect oppressed + the **promise** from God: + He himself will protect us + who is this passage **addressing**? --- day after day they **seek me out**;
they **seem eager** to know my ways, [...] They ask me for **just decisions**
and seem eager for God to **come near** them. [Isaiah 58:2 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + speaking to the "**good** guys"! + not **atheists**, Buddhists, etc., but + **churchgoers** who believe selves good Christians + **seek** out God's will + passage mentions **fasting**: + voluntary **sacrifice** + to **worship** God and be **holy** + but these only have outward **appearance** of humility: --- only a day for people
to **humble themselves**? Is it only for **bowing one’s head** like a reed
and for lying in **sackcloth and ashes**? [Isaiah 58:5 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + we as **Chinese** are really good at + **pretending** to be noble / humble + self-**abasement** focuses on + **own** sacrifice / suffering + e.g., paying **penance** for sins + e.g., personal devotions at **retreat** + done for **others** to see --- You do **as you please**
and **exploit** all your workers. [4](# "ref") Your fasting ends in **quarreling and strife**,
and in **striking each other** with wicked fists. [Isaiah 58:3-4 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + because service not from the **heart** + store up **bitterness** + resentment + e.g., family argues **more** on wknd? --- ## 1. Pretending → Protecting + Don't: Pursue Appearance of Humility [(v2-5)](# "ref") + *Do:* **Protect the Oppressed** [(v6-7)](# "ref") + Promise: Protect Us and Answer our Cry [(v8-9)](# "ref") >>> + the **facade** of humility + only leads to **conflict** + So what **should** we do? --- To loose the **chains of injustice**
and untie the **cords of the yoke**, to set the **oppressed** free
and break every **yoke**? [Isaiah 58:6 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + Justice: as **defined** by God + human **rights** come from Creator + **not** defined by **selfish** desires: + right to have **internet** access? + mom hides **phone**: rights **violated**? + choose own **sexual identity**? + break every **yoke**: + chains of **addiction** + **captive** to sin --- To **share your food** with the hungry
and to provide the poor wanderer with **shelter** when you see the naked, to **clothe them**,
and not to turn away
from your own **flesh and blood**? [Isaiah 58:7 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + Not that we can **solve** poverty, but + Selfishness affects our **heart**: + Must **share** God's grace + **ἁπλότης**: simplicity + generosity + If God **blesses** us, that means + we can be more **generous** --- ## 1. Pretending → Protecting + Don't: Pursue Appearance of Humility [(v2-5)](# "ref") + Do: Protect the Oppressed [(v6-7)](# "ref") + *Promise:* **Protect Us and Answer our Cry** [(v8-9)](# "ref") >>> + **Action**, not **appearance** + impact, not image + And God has a **promise** if we obey: --- then your righteousness will **go before** you,
and the glory of the Lord
will be your **rear guard**. [9](# "ref") Then you will **call**, and the Lord will **answer**;
you will **cry for help**, and he will say: **Here am I** [Isaiah 58:8-9 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + We **protect** the oppressed ⇒ + God **surrounds** us + We **respond** to cry of poor ⇒ + God responds to **prayer** --- # Do I care more about
**appearing** humble than
**protecting** the oppressed? >>> + Pretending → Protecting + Act of **faith** in God's protection --- ## Redeeming the Weekends [(Is58)](# "ref") 1. Pretending → Protecting [(v3-9a)](# "ref") 2. **Pride → Providence** [(v9b-12)](# "ref") 3. Pleasure → Praise [(v13-14)](# "ref") >>> + 2nd section echoes call to **change**: + from **inward**, selfish pride + to **outward** focus, **providing** for others + even **beyond** my family --- ## 2. Pride → Providence + *Don't:* Presume **Superiority** [(v9b)](# "ref") + *Do:* **Provide** for the Needy [(v10a)](# "ref") + *Promise:* **Satisfy** Needs + **Restore** [(v10b-12)](# "ref") >>> + **neg**: heart attitude + **pos**: action in faith + **promise**: as we bless others + God blesses us --- If you do away with the **yoke of oppression**,
with the **pointing finger** and **malicious talk**, [Isaiah 58:9 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + Don't: Presume **Superiority** + **Oppression**: as a master to slave + cf v6 remove **yoke** + **Pointing**: in Heb. culture, **superiority** + (not blame) + Malicious Talk: **slander** + with **intent** to harm + all of these are ways we try to + **boost** ourselves higher by + **pushing** others down + mark of a **bully** --- if you **spend yourselves**
in behalf of the hungry
and **satisfy the needs** of the oppressed, [Isaiah 58:10 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + Do: **Provide** for the Needy + e.g. we expend our lives on our **kids** + **expand** our generosity: + from **self** to **family** + to **beyond** our family + KJV: **draw out** your soul + this is what it means to **worship** God: + not just **songs**, prayer, listen to sermon + but **obedience** from the heart + not once a **week** but every **day** + God has 2-part **promise**: --- **satisfy your needs** in a sun-scorched land
and will **strengthen** your frame. You will be like a **well-watered garden**,
like a **spring** whose waters never fail. [Isaiah 58:11 (NIV)](# "ref") [qinghill, Parit, Malaysia]( "caption") >>> + Promise (1): **Satisfy** Your Needs + As we provide for others + God **provides** for us + need not **fear**: + not a **zero-sum** + Even more, God gives us a **title**: --- Your people will **rebuild** the ancient ruins
and will **raise up** the age-old foundations; you will be called **Repairer** of Broken Walls,
**Restorer** of Streets with Dwellings. [Isaiah 58:12 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + God's Promise (2): **Restore** You + **We** are the repairers / restorers! + by God's **strength** + sharing God's **grace** --- # Do I care more about
**justifying** myself than
**providing** for the needy? >>> + **Trust** in God's providence + act of **faith** --- ## Redeeming the Weekends [(Is58)](# "ref") 1. Pretending → Protecting [(v3-9a)](# "ref") 2. Pride → Providence [(v9b-12)](# "ref") 3. **Pleasure → Praise** [(v13-14)](# "ref") >>> + first 2 sections: **any time** + not just **weekend** + **worship** in practise + **faith** in action + last section: **Sabbath** + 1/7 specifically for God + **more** than attending church! --- ## 3. Pleasure → Praise + *Don't:* Do as We **Please** on Sabbath [(v13)](# "ref") + *Do:* Consider Its **Joy** and **Gravity** [(v13b)](# "ref") + *Promise:* Be Our **Joy** and **Triumph** [(v14)](# "ref") >>> + what are we supposed to do on the Sabbath? + neg → pos → promise + focus is not on **our** relaxation + but on **God's** providence --- If you keep your **feet**
from breaking the **Sabbath**
and from doing **as you please** on my holy day, and if you **honor** it
by not going your **own way**
and not doing **as you please**
or speaking **idle** words, [Isaiah 58:13b (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + Don't: Do as you **Please** + esp for those who **serve**: + retail / cust svc + keeping clients happy + moms, teachers + we see weekends as time to indulge **self** + "me" time: I **deserve** it + Don't **honour** self; instead: --- if you call the Sabbath a **delight**
and the Lord’s holy day **honorable**, [Isaiah 58:13 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + honour God **first**, and + He will **exalt** you + Do: Consider its **joy** and **gravity** + **delight**: lightweight, happy, joyful + something to **look forward** to + not as an **obligation** + **honorable**: heavy, weighty, important + a **priority** + of greater **value** than other demands on time --- Then you will **find your joy** in the Lord, and I will cause you to **ride in triumph**
on the heights of the land [Isaiah 58:14 (NIV)](# "ref") >>> + God's Promise: Be Your **joy** and **triumph** + Not: God **gives** you joy, but + Find joy **in** the Lord + **Lasting** joy + triumph + not fleeting **addictions** --- **Delight** yourself in the LORD,
and he will give you the **desires** of your heart. [5](# "ref") **Commit** your way to the LORD;
**trust** in him, and he will act. [Psalm 37:4-5 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + joy: in the Lord Himself + giver, not the gift + face, not only the hand + commit, trust: obey --- # Do I care more about
my own **plans** than
declaring God's **glory**? ---